
Professor Edward Cartwright

Job: Professor of Economics

Faculty: Business and Law

School/department: Leicester Castle Business School

Address: Æß²ÊÖ±²¥, The Gateway, Leicester, LE1 9BH

T: +44 (0)116 366 4385

E: edward.cartwright@dmu.ac.uk



Personal profile

Edward Cartwright is a Professor of Economics in the Department of Economics and Marketing and director of the Institute for Applied Economics and Social Value. He gained a BA in mathematics and economics at the University of Durham and an MSc and PhD in economics at the University of Warwick. He subsequently spent a year as a post-doctoral student at Université Paris 1, Panthéon-Sorbonne before working for 14 years in the School of Economics at the University of Kent. He joined De Montfort in 2018.

Edward’s main research interests are in behavioural economics, game theory and public economics. Much of his research analyses cooperation in small groups, exploring the role of social norms, leadership, framing and communication. Another strand of work looks at conformity, prejudice and discrimination. Further research interests include cyber-security and doping in sport.

Edward is working on a number of funded projects including a British Academy funded project on food resilience in Vietnam. He is also academic supervisor on a KTP to set up a Business Intelligence Unit at the East Midlands Chambers of Commerce.

Edward has extensive experience of teaching microeconomics, public economics and game theory. A particular passion of his is the use of interactive classroom experiments in teaching. He is author of a leading advanced textbook on ‘Behavioral Economics’ and also co-author with Robert Frank on the European edition of the popular ‘Microeconomics and Behaviour’ textbook.

Edward is associate editor at the Journal of Public Economic Theory, Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and an Associate of the Economics Network.

Research group affiliations

The Institute for Applied Economics and Social Value

Publications and outputs

Cartwright, E. and M. Wooders (2020) 'Own experience bias in evaluating the efforts of others,' Journal of Economic Behavior and Organisation 173: 164-178.

Cartwright, E. and Z. Mirza (2020) 'Charitable giving when donors are constrained to give a minimum amount', Oxford Economic Papers.

Hernandez-Castro, J., E. Cartwright and A. Cartwright (2020) 'An economic analysis of ransomware and its economic consequences', Royal Society Open Science 7: 190023.

Cartwright, E., L. Xue and A. Stepanova (2019) 'Impulse balance and framing effects in threshold public good games', Journal of Public Economic Theory 21:903-922.

Cartwright, E. (2019) 'A survey of belief-based guilt aversion in trust and dictator games' Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 167: 430-444.

Cartwright, E., J. Hernandez Castro and A. Cartwright (2019) To pay or not: game theoretic models of ransomware. Journal of Cybersecurity.

Cartwright, A., E. Cartwright and L. Xue (2019) 'Investing in prevention or paying for recovery - attitudes to cyber risk', GameSec2019, LNCS 11836.

Cartwright, E. and A. Ramalingam (2019) 'Framing effects in public good games: Choices or externalities', Economics Letters 179: 42-45.

Cartwright, E. (2019) 'Guilt aversion and reciprocity in the performance enhancing drug game', Journal of Sports Economics, 20: 335-355.

Cartwright, A. and E. Cartwright (2019) 'Ransomware and reputation', Games (MDPI), 10: 26.

Cartwright, E. (2018) 'The optimal strategy in the minimum effort game', Games (MDPI), 9: 42.

Cartwright, E. and T. Singh (2018) 'Observation and contagion effects in cooperation: An experimental investigation', Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 74:151-160.

Cartwright, E. and A. Stepanova (2017) 'Efficiency in a forced contribution threshold public good game', International Journal of Game Theory, 46: 1163-1191.

Cartwright, E. (2016) 'A comment on framing effects in linear public good games', Journal of the Economic Science Association, 2: 73-84.

Alberti, F. and E. Cartwright (2016) 'Full agreement and the provision of threshold public goods', Public Choice, 166: 205-233.

Cartwright, E. and A. Stepanova (2015) 'The consequences of a refund in threshold public good games', Economics Letters 134: 29-33.

Cartwright, E. and F. Alberti (2015) 'Does the endowment of contributors make a difference in threshold public good games', Finanz Archiv 71: 216-239.

Cartwright, E. (2015) 'Strategic delay and information cascades', Journal of Economics 114: 63-74.

Cartwright E. (2014) 'Imitation and coordination in small world networks', Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance and Management 21: 71-90.

Cartwright, E., and M. Wooders (2014) 'Correlated equilibrium, conformity and stereotyping in social groups', Journal of Public Economic Theory 16: 743-766.

Cartwright, E. and M. L.C.Menezes (2014) 'Cheating to win: Dishonesty and the intensity of competition', Economics Letters 122: 55-58.

Cartwright, E. and D. Lovett (2014) 'Conditional cooperation and the marginal per-capita return in public good games', Games 5: 234-256.]

Cartwright, E. and T. Singh (2013) 'Social capital, the culture of trust, and economic development', in Christiansen, B. and M. Basilgan (Eds.) Economic Behavior, Game Theory, and Technology in Emerging Markets, IGI Global.

Cartwright, E. and A. Patel (2013) 'How category reporting can improve fundraising', Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 87: 73-90.

Cartwright, E., J. Gillet and M. van Vugt (2013) 'Leadership by example in a weak-link game' Economic Inquiry 51: 2028-2043.

Cartwright, E. and A. Stepanova (2012) 'What do Students Learn from a Classroom Experiment: Not much, Unless they Write a Report on it', Journal of Economic Education 43: 48-57.

Patel, A. and E. Cartwright (2012) 'Naïve beliefs and the multiplicity of social norms', Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 168: 280-289.

Gillet, J., E. Cartwright and M. van Vugt (2011) 'Selfish or servant leadership: Evolutionary predictions on leadership personalities in coordination games', Personality and Individual Differences, 51: 231-236.

Cartwright, E. and A. Patel (2010) 'Public goods, social norms, and naive beliefs', Journal of Public Economic Theory 12: 199-223.

Cartwright, E. and A. Patel (2010) 'Imitation and the incentive to contribute early in a sequential public good game', Journal of Public Economic Theory 12: 691-708.

Cartwright, E. (2009) 'Social norms: Does it matter whether agents are rational or boundedly rational?' Journal of Socio-Economics 38: 403-410.

Cartwright, E. and M. Wooders (2009) 'On equilibrium in pure strategies in games with many players', International Journal of Game Theory 38: 137-153.

Cartwright, E. and M. Wooders (2009) 'On purification of equilibrium in Bayesian games and expost Nash equilibrium', International Journal of Game Theory 38: 127-136.

Cartwright, E. (2009) 'Conformity and out of equilibrium beliefs', Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 70: 164-185.

Cartwright, E. (2007) 'Imitation, Coordination and the Emergence of Nash Equilibrium Play', International Journal of Game Theory, 36: 119-136.

Cartwright, E. (2007) 'Contagion and the Emergence of Convention in Small Worlds', International Game Theory Review 9: 689-704.

Wooders, M, E. Cartwright and R. Selten (2006) 'Behavioural Conformity in Games with Many Players', Games and Economic Behavior 57: 347-360.

Cartwright, E., J. Conley and M. Wooders (2006) 'The Law of Demand in Tiebout Economies', in The Tiebout Model at 50: Essays in Public Economics in honor of Wallace Oates, W. A. Fischel (Ed).

Cartwright, E. (2004) 'The Stability of Conventions: Random and Lattice Matching Networks Compared', Economics Letters 85: 47-51.

Cartwright, E. and M. Wooders (2001) 'On the Theory of Equalising Differences; Increasing Abundances of Workers May Increase Their Earnings', Economics Bulletin 4: 1-10.

Research interests/expertise

Public economics, behavioural economics, game theory, cyber-security

Areas of teaching

Microeconomics, game theory, public economics, experimental economics


BA Mathematics and Economics, University of Durham

MSc Economics, University of Warwick

PhD Economics, University of Warwick

PGCHE, University of Kent

Externally funded research grants information

EconoMical, PsycHologicAl and Societal Impact of RanSomware (EMPHASIS) Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, 2017-06 to 2019-06, EP/P011772/1, www.emphasis.ac.uk.

Internet Forensic platform for tracking the money flow of financially-motivated malware (RAMSES), European Commission, 2016-09 to 2019-08, #700326, www.ramses2020.eu.

On the morality of conflict, Defence Science and Technology Laboratory, 2016

An experimental investigation of prejudice and economic discrimination, Nuffield Foundation Small Research Grant, 2009-2011

Why some people choose to be leaders: the emergence of leadership in groups and organizations, ESRC Small Grant, 2007-2009.

Anonymous free riding in collective action problems, British Academy Small Research Grant, 2008-2009.

Social learning and the Theory of Search, ESRC First Research Grant, 2006-2007.

Case studies


ORCID number
