
Professor Lucy Budd

Job: Professor of Air Transport Management

Faculty: Business and Law

School/department: Leicester Castle Business School

Address: Æß²ÊÖ±²¥, The Gateway, Leicester, LE1 9BH, United Kingdom

T: 0116 207 8014

E: lucy.budd@dmu.ac.uk



Personal profile

I am a social scientist engaged in innovative interdisipinary research with an applied transport and aviation focus. I have published widely in the area of airline and airport operations and urban mobility.  I am Co-Editor-in-Chief of the Elsevier Journal Research in Transportation Business and Management and I sit on the Editorial Boards of Transport Policy, Journal of Transport Geography, Journal of Air Transport Management, Transportation Planning and Technology and Transport Reviews. I am the Programme Leader for the MSc in Air Transport Management and am currently supervising 6 PhD students.

Research group affiliations


Research interests/expertise

Air transport, airports, airlines, transport geography, mobility.

Areas of teaching

Airport Planning and Operations, Airline Marketing and Operations.


  • BA (1st Class Hons) Geography and the Sir William Meyer Essay Prize, Geography Department, University College London, 2002
  • MSc Global Transformations, Geography Department Loughborough University, 2003
  • PhD, Geography, Loughborough University, 2007
  • Fellow of the Higher Education Academy

Æß²ÊÖ±²¥ taught

MSc Air Transport Management

Honours and awards

2019 Best paper award at the International Conference on Connected Transportation Systems and Technologies, New York, January 2019. Masera, C., Imprialou, M., Budd, L. and Morton, C. (2019) Estimating the Traffic Impacts of Green Light Optimal Speed Advisory Systems Using Microsimulation Published in the International Journal of Transport and Vehicle Engineering 13(1) pp22-29.

Membership of external committees

Member of the UKRI Future Flight Challenge Innovate UK/Sciencewise Public dialogue project board, 2022-23

Membership of professional associations and societies

Fellow of the Higher Education Academy


UKRI/ESRC (2022-2023) Embedding disabled passenger needs into the UK’s Advanced Air Mobility ecosystem

Conference attendance

Goetz, A., Attard, M., and Budd, L. (2023) The impact of low-cost airlines in Malta, Australasian Transport Research Forum, Perth, Australia, 29 November - 1 December 2023.

Goetz, A., Attard, M., and Budd, L. (2023) Air travel and tourism in Malta: Impacts of low-cost airline introduction EUGEO 2023, Barcelona, 4-7 September 2023.

Moore, P., Deka, L., Amaugo, A., Budd, L., and Ison, S.G. (2023) Bikeshare: A review of the trip determinants related to socio-economic disadvantage, World Conference on Transport Research - WCTR 2023 Montreal 17-21 July 2023

McCall, Jr, D., Ison, S. and Budd, L. (2023) Sustainable Aviation in the Caribbean: An Assessment and Future Research Direction, Bringing Hospitality, Tourism, Transport and Events Back for GoodconferenceGuildford, University of Surrey, July 2023.

Vulturius, S., Budd, L., and Ison, S.G., (2023) A Study of Commercial Airline Pilots’ Job Satisfaction Pre- and Post COVID-19, TRBAM-23-01128, Transportation Research Board 102nd Annual meeting, Washington D.C. January 2023.

Harley, G., Timmis, A., and Budd, L. (2023) Small Airport Adoption of Environmental Practices: A Managerial Perspective, TRBAM-23-02820, Transportation Research Board 102nd Annual meeting, Washington D.C. January 2023.

Budd, L., Bloor, G. and Ison, S.G. (2022) The impact of COVID-19 related flight reductions on bird prevalence and behaviour at Manchester Airport, UK World Birdstrike Association Europe Conference, London, 23rd June 2022.

Graham, A., Budd, L., and Ison, S.G. (2022) A comparative analysis of UK airport strategy since COVID-19 25th ATRS World Conference, Antwerp, Belgium, 3rd-6th July, 2022.

McCall Jr D., Ison, SG. and Budd, L. (2022) The Challenges of Sustainable Aviation in the Caribbean: an assessment and future research direction 25th ATRS World Conference, Antwerp, Belgium, 3rd-6th July, 2022.

Mayer, R., Budd, L., and Ison, SG. (2022)Designed for success: An examination of taught postgraduate air transport management curricula in the UK 25th ATRS World Conference, Antwerp, Belgium, 3rd-6th July, 2022.

Timmis, A., Ison, S., and Budd, L. (2022) Exploring disruptive air passenger behaviour using open source data: a content analysis of UK newspaper reports 25th ATRS World Conference, Antwerp, Belgium, 3rd-6th July, 2022. 


Recent research outputs

Journal papers

Budd L, Kambari M M, and Ison S (2023) Decarbonising airports: an examination of UK airports’ net zero targets, Transportation Planning and Technology, DOI: 

Harley G, Timmis A and Budd L (2023) Small Airport Adoption of Environmental Practices – A Managerial Perspective Journal of Airport Management 18(1) Winter 2023-24, 1-17.

Attard M, Budd L, Le Pira M and Yen B (2023) Editorial: Introducing a new chapter for the Journal Research in Transportation Business and Management Research in Transportation Business and Management, 100965.

Graham, A., Kruse, W., Budd, L., Kremarik, F., Ison, S.G., (2023) Ageing passenger perceptions of Ground Access Journeys to Airports: A survey of UK residents, Journal of Air Transport Management, Volume 107, March, 102338 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jairtraman.2022.102338.

Flack S, Budd L, Dale S and Ison S (2022) The Social Benefits of the workplace parking levy: a review and future research directionICE-Municipal Engineer https://doi.org/10.1680/jmuen.20.00025


Consultancy work

I have undertaken consultancy work for a range of public and private secor clients.

Current research students

McCall Jr, D.  Sustainable Aviation in the Caribbean

Vulturius, S.  Factors affecting the job satisfaction of commercial airline pilots

Moore, P. Breaking the cycle of immobility? Evaluating Leicester’s e-bike scheme

Kambari, M.  Pathways to achieving net zero at UK airports

Beaton, G. Improving staff wellbeing and passenger satisfaction with the airport security screening process.

Charukit, J. (2023-2026) Innovations in airport self-service technologies – the passenger perspective

International PhD Committee Member

Pauwels, J.  Strategische opties voor een duurzame ontwikkeling van regionale luchthavens (Strategies for optimising the efficiency of regional airport real estate) Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Antwerp, Belgium.


Externally funded research grants information

FASS PhD Studentship (funded by the UK Department for Transport)

Internally funded research project information


Published patents


Professional esteem indicators

Co-Editor-in-Chief of the Journal Research in Transportation Business and Management, Elsevier.

Founding co-editor of Contemporary Issues in Air Transport book series (Elsevier).


Case studies




Budd and Ison Low Cost Carrierslucy-budd-bookstephen-ison-bookThe Journal has a 2023 Impact Factor of 4.8

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