
Dr Zehra Ersahin

Job: Senior Lecturer in Clinical Psychology

Faculty: Health and Life Sciences

School/department: School of Applied Social Sciences

Address: Æß²ÊÖ±²¥, The Gateway, Leicester, LE1 9BH

T: 0116 207 8104

E: zehra.ersahin@dmu.ac.uk


Personal profile

Dr. Zehra Ersahin, HCPC Accredited Counselling Psychologist, specializes in the intersection of psychology, spirituality, and societal issues. With a Professional Doctorate from the University of Manchester, her expertise spans online psychotherapy and mental health, trauma, spiritual care, and refugee mental health. She's contributed to esteemed publications like The SAGE Handbook of Counselling and Psychotherapy and Handbook of Pluralistic Counselling and Psychotherapy. As an active member of the BPS and its Division of Counselling Psychology and the Vice President of Society for Intercultural and Interreligious Pastoral Care and Counselling; Dr. Ersahin has a history of securing external research grants, presenting at international conferences, and focusing on promoting mental health resilience through interdisciplinary dialogue. She bridges theory and practice, emphasizing qualitative research methodology and a psychosocial lens to address diverse populations' needs.

Publications and outputs

  • Boz, N. & Ersahin, Z. (2024). Digital Media and the Sacred. In Pihlaja, S. & Ringrow, H. The Routledge Handbook of Language and Religion. Routledge. 
  • Ersahin, Z. (2023). Videoconferencing Therapy. In T. Hanley & C. Winter (5th Eds). . London: Sage.
  • Çapar-Taşkesen, T., Kahya, Y., Işık, H., & Ersahin, Z. (2023). Turkish adaptation study of the computer assisted maltreatment inventory (CAMI) and its relation to psychological symptoms. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, 32(3), 467–486.
  • Ersahin, Z. (2022). Post-traumatic growth among Syrian refugees in Turkey: the role of coping strategies and religiosity, Current Psychology: A Journal for Diverse Perspectives on Diverse Psychological Issues, 41(4), 2398–2407. 
  • Ersahin, Z. (2021). Care, Spiritual Care, and Modern Health Care: Developments, Concepts, and Debates. In H. Weiss, K. H. Federschmidt, D. Louw, & L. Sauer Bredvik, Care, Healing, and Human Well-Being within Interreligious Discourses. Germany: Sun Media. 
  • Ersahin, S. & Ersahin, Z. (2021). Healing, Care, and Well-Being in Islamic Tradition. In H. Weiss, K. H. Federschmidt, D. Louw, & L. Sauer Bredvik. Care, Healing, and Human Well-Being within Interreligious Discourses. Germany: Sun Media. 
  • Ersahin, S. & Ersahin, Z. (2020, Ed.). . Idealkent Publishing.
  • Ersahin, Z. (2020). Post-Modern Kentlinin Ruh Sağlığı Uzerine, [Mental Health and Well-Being of Postmodern City Dwellers], in (197-220). Ersahin S., & Ersahin Z., Ankara, İdealkent Publishing.
  • Ersahin, Z. (2020). Kriz Ve Pandemi Donemlerinde Cocuklarımizin Ruh Sagligini Korumak [Supporting Children's Mental Health in Crisis and Covid 19 Pandemic], in Salgın Zamanında Manevi Destek (75-88). Demirtaş, B., Ankara, Türkiye Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı Yayınları.
  • Ersahin, Z. (2020). Kriz ve Afet Dönemlerine Psikolojik Bakıs, [A Psychological Perspective on Crises and Disasters], in (407-451). Okumuş, E. Ankara: Eski-Yeni Yayınları.
  • Ok, Ü., Gedik, Z., & Erşahin, Z. (2019). . Ankara: Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık.
  • Pekasil, A. N., & Ersahin, Z. (2019). Temellendirilmiş Kuramda Gerçeklik ve Görecelik Uzlaşması, [Reconciling Realist and Relativistic Foundations of Grounded Theory Methodology: A Guide for Researchers], OPUS Uluslararası Toplum Araştırmaları Dergisi, 13(19). 
  • Ersahin, Z. (2019). Türkiye’de Uygulamalı Sosyal Bilim Sorunsalı: Uygulamalı Psikoloji Ekseninde Bir Değerlendirme [Issues of Applied Social Sciences in Turkey: With a Focus on Applied Psychology], Üniversite Araştırmaları Dergisi, 4. 
  • Ersahin, Z. & Boz, N. (2018). Urban Spirituality: Need for Connectedness and Communication. Journal of Urban Studies, 25(9), 762-781. 
  • Ersahin, Z. & Hanley, T. (2017). Using Online Counselling to Support Students: A Systematic Review of the Research Literature. Health Education Journal. 1-13. 
  • Hanley, T., Ersahin, Z., Sefi, A., Hebron, J. (2017). Comparing online and face-to-face student counselling: What therapeutic goals are identified and what are the implications for educational providers? Journal of Psychologists and Counsellors in Schools. 1-18. 
  • Hanley, T., Sefi, A. & Ersahin, Z. (2016). From Goals to Tasks and Methods. In M. Cooper & W. Dryden. (eds). . London: Sage.
  • Sakız, H., Woods, C., Sart, H., Ersahin, Z., Aftab, R., Koc, N. & Saricam, H. (2014). The route to ‘inclusive counselling’: counsellors' perceptions of disability inclusion in Turkey. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 19(3), 250-269. 
  • Ersahin, Z. (2013). The Elephant in the Room: Implications of the on-going conflict between religion and science, and what pluralism offers working with the (in)visible. Counselling Psychology Review, 28(2), 39-52. 

Research interests/expertise

Online psychotherapy, online therapeutic alliance, CPTSD, PTSD and PTG, moral injury, loss and grief, spiritual care

Areas of teaching

  • Mental Health and Wellbeing
  • Counselling Psychology
  • Spiritual Care and Counselling
  • Psychotherapy Supervision


  • Professional Doctorate in Counselling Psychology, University of Manchester (2015)
  • MSc In Social Cognition: Research and Applications, UCL (2011)
  • BA in Counselling Psychology, Ankara University (2008)

Æß²ÊÖ±²¥ taught

BSc (Hons) Psychology MSc Mental Health and Wellbeing

Membership of professional associations and societies

  • British Psychological Society (BPS), 01/01/2016 - Ongoing, Chartered Counselling Psychologist
  • BPS Division of Counselling Psychology (DCOP), UK, 01/01/2016 - Ongoing, Member
  • Society for Intercultural Pastoral Care and Counselling (SIPCC Germany), Vice President

Professional licences and certificates

The Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) Practitioner Psychologist

Conference attendance

  • Caydi, S. & Ersahin, Z. (2023). A Grounded Theory Approach to Grief Processes of Parents with Sudden Child Loss: Preliminary Results. IConSOS2023. 27-30 April, 2023.
  • Unalir, S. & Ersahin, Z. (2022). The Relationship Between Traumatic Life Events and Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Close Relationships. 7th International Conference on Social Sciences. 24-25 December, 2022.
  • Ersahin, Z. (2022). Sacred Texts that Inform, Inspire, and Guide Us into Our Understanding and Practice of Care in the Face of Violence. SIPCC Seminar on Spiritual Care and Violence: Vocational callings and perils. 7-9 September, 2022.
  • Ersahin, Z. & Hanley, T. (2021). Care and counselling in virtual spaces. 32nd International Seminar on Intercultural and Interreligious Pastoral Care and Counselling: Superdiversity -Creative Spaces in Care and Counselling. 7-14-21-28 September, 2021.
  • Boz, N., & Erşahı̇ n, Z. (2019). Iranian Asylum-Seekers in Turkey:Psycho-Social Responses to Transition and Conflict, International Multilingual Conference 2019 Post-Conflict Literature, Trauma and Global Peace, 29-30 April 2019.
  • Ersahin, Z. (2019). To Take Care of Oneself in Conflicts, Invited Speaker, Conflict-Transformation and Interfaith Peacebuilding - 31st International Seminar on Intercultural and Interreligious Care and Counselling, 01- 08 September 2019.
  • Ersahin, Z. & Boz, N. (2019). Common factors in spirituality oriented therapeutic ralationships: Bridging religions and cultures, Invited Speaker, 30th International Seminar on Intercultural Pastoral Care and Counselling, 21-26 October 2018.
  • Ersahin, Z. & Boz, N. (2018). Mental health challenges of refugees: Complicated Grief among Iranian refugees in Turkey, SPR Society for Psychotherapy Research, International 49th Annual Meeting Amsterdam, June 2018.
  • Boz, N. & Ersahin, Z. (2018). Grief Processes in Transition: The Case of Iranian Diaspora on the Move, The European Conference on Psychology & the Behavioral Sciences, Surviving and Thriving in Times of Change, Brighton, UK, July 2018.
  • Ersahin, Z. & Boz, N. (2018). Beyond Modern Urban Planning: Re-Thinking Sustainability And Spirituality, 3rd.International Urban Studies Congress, Strasbourg, October 2018.
  • Hanley, T., Ersahin, Z., Sefi, A., & Hebron, J. (2016). Supporting students using online therapy: what therapeutic goals do young people identify and what are the implications for school psychologists? Paper to be presented at the ISPA Conference 2016: School Psychology 3.0 - A world of connections, Amsterdam, Netherlands, July 2016.
  • Ersahin Z., Hanley, T., & Sefi, H. (2015). Therapeutic goals in online youth therapy: what goals do young people identify and how do counsellors work with them? Paper presented at the 46th Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, Philadelphia, PA. June, 2015.
  • Sefi, A., & Ersahin, Z. (2015). What types of goals do young people articulate and achieve in online counselling and how do these compare to those in face-to-face counselling? Paper presented at the 21st Annual Research Conference of British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy, Nottingham, UK, May, 2015.
  • Ersahin, Z. (2015). Examining the goals of young people in online counselling and support: Preliminary Findings. Paper presented at the Seminar Series of Education and Therapy, Manchester, UK, January, 2015.
  • Ersahin, Z. (2014). Online Youth Counselling and Therapy: A Systematic Review of Individual Synchronous Interventions. Poster presented at the Risk and Resilience: Reaching out to Children, Young People and their Families conference, London. YoungMinds: UK, February, 2014.
  • Ersahin Z, & Sefi, A. (2013). A pluralistic study of a goal-based outcome measuring tool used within an online counselling service for young people. .Paper presented at the 19th Annual Research Conference of BACP, Birmingham, UK, May, 2013.

Externally funded research grants information

  • [PI] A Grounded Theory Approach to Grief Processes of Parents with Sudden Child Loss. Grant: 33.000 TL (BAP, SSUA) Awarded January, 2023
  • [R] The Prevention, Intervention, and Policy Dimensions of Violence Against Women in Turkey, and the Effects of the Covid-19 Outbreak. Grant: 800.000 TL. (Ministry of Family and Social Services, Turkiye) Awarded October 2021
  • [R] Psycho-social Challenges of Iranian Asylum-Seekers in Turkey. Grant: 45.000 TL (BAP, SSUA) Awarded December 2018
  • [PI] Coping and Adaptation Mechanisms of Syrian Refugees in Turkey. Grant: 32.000 TL.(BAP, SSUA) Awarded December 2017
  • [R] Spiritual Care in Hospitals: An Applied Pilot Study. Grant: 112.000 TL (Scientific and Technological Research Projects Funding Program, TUBITAK) Awarded January 2016 

ORCID number

