
Professor Stuart Price

Job: Professor of Media and Political Discourse

Faculty: Computing, Engineering and Media

School/department: Leicester Media School

Research group(s): Media Discourse Centre

Address: Æß²ÊÖ±²¥, The Gateway, Leicester, UK, LE1 9BH

T: +44 (0)116 207 8683

E: sprice@dmu.ac.uk

W: /mediadiscourse


Personal profile

Stuart Price is Professor of Media and Political Discourse and Director of the Media Discourse Centre. He is co-editor of Media, Power and the Covid-19 Pandemic (2022), editor of Journalism, Power and Investigation (2019), co-editor of the book series ‘’ and the author of a number of monographs, book chapters and articles on Media, Communication and Politics. Stuart has taught in schools, FE, and the HE sector.

Recent work includes: an analysis of managerialism in universities, entitled ‘UK Universities during Covid-19: catastrophic management, ‘business continuity’, and education workers’ (in Media, Power and the Covid-19 Pandemic, 2022); a study of Spain’s Feminist General Strike, called ‘8M and the Huelga General Feminista, 2019-2020: feminist engagement with state, capital and Spain’s ‘clase política’ ’ (Routledge Companion to Political Journalism, 2021), and another chapter on Spain entitled ‘Resistance and Revolution: working-class intransigence, the libertarian tradition, and the Catalan crisis’ in Working-Class Resistance (Fishwick and Connolly, 2019).

He is the editor, with Dr Ruth Sanz Sabido (Canterbury Christ Church) of two collections: Contemporary Protest and the Legacy of Dissent (2015) and Sites of Protest (2016), and (again with Sanz Sabido) of two Special Journal Issues on, respectively, Discourse and Protest, and the Spanish Civil War. He contributed to Sanz Sabido’s documentary on memories of the Spanish Civil War, entitled Herencias 36.

Besides the analysis of the strategic uses of security and ‘resilience’ discourse, which began with the publication in 2011 of Worst-Case Scenario?, Stuart’s research interests include investigative journalism, conceptions of state and corporate power, masculinity and film, news discourses, the mediation of the UNSDGs, and political protest and unrest (most recently the Capitol ‘invasion’ of 2021, and the fall of Kabul later the same year).

Other published work includes Brute Reality, a study of the ‘war on terror’ (Pluto Press, 2010), and Discourse Power Address, a study of ideology and public rhetoric (Ashgate, 2007, and Routledge, 2017). Popular Media and Communication, a collection of papers edited with Professor Karen Ross of Northumbria University, appeared in 2008.

Stuart’s other publications include Communication Studies (1996, Longman), the A-Z Media and Communication Handbook (1997, Hodder and Stoughton) and the first comprehensive student textbook in the field, Media Studies (1993/98, Longman).

Stuart is a member of the , and the . He teaches Media Discourse (Events), Global Dissent, and contributes to the postgraduate Investigative Journalism MA.

Research group affiliations

Media Discourse Centre, the Meccsa Social Movements Network, and the Media and Communication and Cultural Studies Network.

Publications and outputs

Price, Stuart and Harbisher, Ben (2022) Media, Power and the Covid-19 Pandemic: framing public discourse (Routledge)

Price, Stuart (2022) ‘UK Universities during Covid-19: catastrophic management, ‘business continuity’, and education workers’ (in Media, Power and the Covid-19 Pandemic, 2022)

Price, Stuart (2021) ‘8M and the Huelga General Feminista, 2019-2020: feminist engagement with state, capital and Spain’s ‘clase política’ ’ (in Routledge Companion to Political Journalism, 2021)

Price, Stuart (2019) [editor] Journalism, Power, and Investigation: global and activist perspectives, Routledge.

Price, Stuart (2019) ‘State, Hierarchy and Executive Power: journalists under duress’, in Price, S [editor] Journalism, Power, and Investigation: global and activist perspectives, Routledge.

Price, Stuart (2017) ‘’, in Fishwick, A and Connolly, H [editors] Working-Class Resistance (2017), Rowman and Littlefield

Price, Stuart (2017) ‘’, in Television & New Media, Vol 19, Issue 2

Price, Stuart (2017) (Ashgate, 2007).

Price, Stuart (2017) ‘’, In: Sanz Sabido, Ruth [editor] Representing Communities, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 55-75

Sanz Sabido, Ruth and Price, Stuart (2017) ‘’, in Papaioannou, T, and Gupta, S [editors], Media Representations of Anti-Austerity Protests in the EU: Grievances, Identities and Agency, Routledge, pp. 143-162

Sanz Sabido, Ruth, and Price, Stuart (2016) ‘The Ladders Revolution: Material struggle, social media and news coverage’, Critical Discourse Studies, 13:3, 247-260

Price, Stuart (2016) ‘The ‘Borderless State’ ISIS, Hierarchy and Trans-spatial Politics’, In: Price, S and Sanz Sabido, R [editors] Sites of Protest London: Rowman and Littlefield

Price, Stuart (2015) ‘’, in Price, S and Sanz Sabido, R [editors] Contemporary Protest and the Legacy of Dissent London: Rowman and Littlefield

Price, Stuart (2015) ‘Calls to Order: ‘Anarchy’, Riots and State Repression’, in Price, S and Sanz Sabido, R [editors] Contemporary Protest and the Legacy of Dissent London: Rowman and Littlefield.

Price, Stuart (2011) , London: Zed Books

Price, Stuart (2011) ‘’, in: Ross, K. ed. The Handbook of Gender, Sex and Media, John Wiley

Price, Stuart (2010) , London: Pluto Press

Price, Stuart (2008) ‘Displacing the gods? Agency and power in adaptations of ancient history and myth’, in Adaptation in Film and Performance, vol 1/2.

Price, Stuart (2008) ‘Missiles in Athens, tanks at Heathrow: urban security and the materialisation of ‘global’ threat’. Social Semiotics, 18 (1) pp. 1-16

Price, Stuart (2007) Alignment, utterance and agency: the Delphic Oracle and speech-act theory. In: Hendrickson, K.E. and Pappas, N.C.J eds. Interpreting the Past Athens: ATINER pp. 29-36.

Price, Stuart (2007) ‘State, agency and power in contemporary film and television’, in Pasadesos, Y. and Dimitrakopoulou, D. eds. Mass media research: International approaches. Athens: Atiner. pp. 173-182.

Key research outputs

Price, Stuart (2019) [editor] Journalism, Power, and Investigation: global and activist perspectives, Routledge.

Price, Stuart (2019) ‘State, Hierarchy and Executive Power: journalists under duress’, in Price, S [editor] Journalism, Power, and Investigation: global and activist perspectives, Routledge.

Price, Stuart (2017) ‘’, in Fishwick, A and Connolly, H [editors] Working-Class Resistance (2017), Rowman and Littlefield

Price, Stuart (2017) ‘’, in Television & New Media, Vol 19, Issue 2

Price, Stuart (2017) London and New York: Routledge (Ashgate, 2007).

Price, Stuart (2017) ‘’, In: Sanz Sabido, Ruth [editor] Representing Communities, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 55-75

Price, Stuart (2011) , London: Zed Books

Price, Stuart (2011) ‘’, in: Ross, K. ed. The Handbook of Gender, Sex and Media, John Wiley

Price, Stuart (2010) , London: Pluto Press

Research interests/expertise

Critical Security Studies

Critical Discourse Analysis

Political Communication

Theories of the ‘Event’

Conceptualisations of Public Order

‘War on Terror’

Memory, War and Narrative

Areas of teaching

Media Discourse: Events

Global Dissent

MA Investigative Journalism


University of Exeter PhD in Discourse & Address in Mediated Texts (passed with no corrections)

University of London Institute of Education: MA in Film & Television Studies  

Avery Hill College, London: PGCE in English, Drama & Social Education    

Liverpool University: MA in Victorian Literature & Society

University College Swansea: BA (Hons) English Literature - 2/1

Æß²ÊÖ±²¥ taught

Media and Communication BA (Hons)

Media Discourse: Events

Global Dissent

MA Investigative Journalism

Honours and awards

Writing Fellowship, 2006, Æß²ÊÖ±²¥

Faculty Research Leave, 2009, Æß²ÊÖ±²¥

University Research Leave, 2012 and 2017

Membership of external committees

Member of Academic Board, 2007-2010

Membership of professional associations and societies

Chair of Media Discourse Group, Æß²ÊÖ±²¥ (2008 – present)

Member of the Meccsa Social Movements Network

Member of the Media, Communication and Cultural Studies Association (2000 – present)

Member of the Media Group, Political Studies Association (2004 – present)

Professional licences and certificates

PGCE in English, Drama and Social Education

Forthcoming events

The Mediation and Incorporation of Sustainability: The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and Social Movements [Harbisher and Price, forthcoming, Rowman and Littlefield International].

Policing, Protest and the Mediation of Dissent during the Covid-19 Pandemic [Harbisher and Price, forthcoming, 2022, Rowman and Littlefield International].

Conference attendance


July, ‘Damage to Catalonia? State Power and Notions of Democracy, 1937 to 2017’, at Protest, Politics and Activism in the 21st Century’, Nottingham

March, ‘The Catalan Crisis’, in Legality/Illegality, Æß²ÊÖ±²¥, Cultural Exchanges


March Interview with Dorothy Byrne and Greg Palast: ‘Journalism and the Public Good’

February, Public Lecture: ‘One Solution: Revolution?’


May, Paper: ‘Protest and Austerity in Spain’, CURA, Æß²ÊÖ±²¥

March, Public lecture: ‘Corbyn, Cameron, HaHaHa’, Æß²ÊÖ±²¥

January, Paper: ‘Corbyn, Cameron and the Media’: Meccsa, Canterbury


January Paper – ‘The Legacy of Dissent: Class, Gender and Austerity’, Meccsa, Newcastle


March ‘Memory and Ideology in the Spanish Civil War’, with Dr. Ruth Sanz Sabido, Professor David Deacon, and Mr. Lee Solomon

March ‘Anti-Fascism on Film’, Conference


June   Paper - ‘Democracy and the Dictatorship of the Markets: public protest, iconic space and online mobilisation in the UK and Spain’, Protest and the Media, Westminster University

June            Paper - ‘Truth-Claims in A Story-World: gendered identity and

modes of address in UK ‘lifeworld’ commercials’ Console-ing Passions, Æß²ÊÖ±²¥

June            Keynote Lecture - ‘Presenting Your Research to an Audience’,

Research Student Conference, ADH and Technology, De Montfort

May            Invited Keynote Lecture - ‘Worst-Case Scenario? Security

planning, ‘contingency’ and the state’, Coventry University

April           ‘Governance, the Scenario, and Public (In) Security’, Faculty

of Letters, University of Lisbon

April  ‘Spartans! What is Your Profession?’, Adaptations Conference, Sunderland University

March         Lecture series - ‘Public Protest in Europe’, San Pablo CEU,


February     Professorial Lecture - ‘ENOUGH! Calling Time on Corporate Fantasies’, Æß²ÊÖ±²¥ Cultural Exchanges

February     Paper - ‘Sanctions, Attitudes and Modes of Address’, Dickens

Conference, Adaptation Studies, De Montfort

January       Open Lecture - International Event: De Montfort ADH

January       Paper - ‘These Fascists Came from Outside’: University of Ulster, Meccsa


June ‘A Visit from Mr. Clegg’, Media Discourse Group, Æß²ÊÖ±²¥

April ‘England’s Anarchic August Revisited’, Leicester Secular Society

March ‘The Realities of Power’, Public lecture, States of Independence

March Public lecture - ‘Danger: Hierarchy at Work’, De Montfort

January ‘Calls to Order’: Meccsa National Conference, Luton


December Invited Paper - ‘The Pretext of Command’, Leicester Media Discourse Group, Leicester University

September ‘Gendered Identity and the death of bin Laden’, 10th Anniversary of Meccsa Women’s Network, De Montfort

July Paper - ‘Discursive vs. Visual Evidence’, British Sociological Association, Leicester

July Paper – ‘Command and Utterance’, Media and Communication  Research   Seminar, De Montfort

January Paper - ‘Events, Non-events, and the manipulation of contingency’, Meccsa, University of Salford


October Paper - ‘9/11 as an Event’, Westminster University

May Paper - ‘Wisdom after the Event: the temporal/spatial location of Election 2010’, Media Discourse Group, Æß²ÊÖ±²¥

April Invited Talk - on Brute Reality, Eccles Centre, British Library

March Invited Paper - ‘The Scenario’, Loughborough University.

January Paper - ‘Disordered States: ‘mediated surveillance’ and public dissent’, Meccsa, LSE 


November Paper - ‘Myths of Sacrifice: 300, Sparta and the Cult of Democracy’, Cult Adaptations, Æß²ÊÖ±²¥ 

July Invited Lecture - ‘Worst-Case Scenario’ for BFI, London

April Paper - ‘The Audacity of Rhetoric’, BAAS, Nottingham 

April Paper - ‘Mediating ‘Terror’ ’, PSA, Manchester

March Paper - ‘Spectacle or Speech Event: the Delphic Oracle and 300’, De Montfort Centre for Adaptation Studies, Leicester Æß²ÊÖ±²¥, Leicester

March Paper - ‘Gods, Daimons, Eidola’, De Montfort Centre for Adaptation Studies, Leicester

February Paper - ‘The Mediation of ‘Terror’, ESRC, Leicester

January Paper - ‘The Theatre of War’, Meccsa, Bradford 


September Paper - ‘Rhetorical Masculinity’, Adaptations, Amsterdam

June Paper - ‘Displacing the Gods?’, Adaptations, Cardiff

June Paper - ‘A Genuine Piece of Theatre: Harry’s Helmland Adventure’ Media Research Group, Æß²ÊÖ±²¥

April Paper - ‘Economics of Utterance: mediated rhetoric and ‘sign-value’ in the ‘war on terror’, PSA, Swansea 

January Paper - ‘Economic Categories and the War on Terror’, for Meccsa, University of Cardiff 

Other forms of public presentation

Performances, broadcasts, exhibitions, etc

Cultural Exchanges festival

February 2015 Public lecture – ‘Violence, Knowledge and Repetititon’

March 2011 Public lecture - ‘Micro-Ideology’, Æß²ÊÖ±²¥

March 2012 Public lecture - ‘Worst-Case Scenario’, Æß²ÊÖ±²¥ March 2009 Public lecture - ‘Stockwell: the overproduction of force’ February 2008 Public lecture - ‘TERROR CAPITAL T: capital lower case c’

Key articles information

See Key Outputs, above

Current research students

PhD Completion: Dr Gurvinder Aujla-Singh, as 1st Supervisor, enrolled 2019

PhD Completion: Dr Fernanda Amaral, as 1st Supervisor, 2019

PhD Completion: Dr Jennifer Ere, as 2nd Supervisor, 2019

PhD Completion: Dr Nagham Naddour, as 2nd Supervisor, 2019

PhD Completion: Dr Mariam Alsumami, as 2nd Supervisor, 2019

PhD Completion: Ganiyat Adenle, as 2nd Supervisor, 2018

PhD Completion: Dr Ahmed Bahiya, as 1st Supervisor, 2018

PhD Completion: Dr Khadijah Aroyewun-Adekomaiya, as 1st Supervisor, 2018

PhD Completion: Dr Cassian Vian, as 1st Supervisor, 2014

PhD Completion: Dr Ruth Sanz Sabido, as 1st Supervisor, 2013 Passed without corrections

PhD Completion: Dr Sheila Cameron, as 1st Supervisor, 2008

PhD Supervision: Zoe Armour, as 1st Supervisor, enrolled 2013

PhD Supervision: Yu Sui, as 1st Supervisor, enrolled 2015

PhD Supervision: Jaime Davies, as 2nd Supervisor, enrolled 2019

PhD Supervision: Maria Straw-Cinar, as 2nd Supervisor, enrolled 2020

PhD Supervision: Rayna Lountzis as 2nd Supervisor, enrolled 2020

Internally funded research project information

Research Award 2015 ‘Multi-modal Analysis’ DTP (£2,500)

Revolving Investment Fund, ‘Election 2010’, Æß²ÊÖ±²¥, 2010 (£5,500)

Research Award, 2009, Æß²ÊÖ±²¥ (£1600)

Research Award (RIT) 2007, DVD on academic concepts (£3000)

Professional esteem indicators

ESRC and AHRC Reviewer, 2016 - present

Reviewer for SAGE publications, 2011

Professional esteem indicators

ESRC Reviewer for Research project, 2015

Reviewer for Specialist Journal, 2013

Reviewer for SAGE publications, 2011

Case studies

IMPACT of textbooks and pedagogical material

Stuart’s profile as a pedagogical leader within the field of Media and Communication Studies was initially established through the publication of the first comprehensive academic text to appear in the international marketplace - the textbook Media Studies (Longman, 1993/1998, 515pp). This work was described in one journal as ‘an excellent book’ in which ‘the giant web of communication can be seen in its entirety’ (Media Education Journal, 1993). His second textbook, Communication Studies (Longman, 1996, 577pp) was reviewed in the Times Educational Supplement as a ‘survey that brings a welcome solidity to a subject occasionally lacking in it’ (TES, 1996), and by another reviewer as ‘clearly written and comprehensive ... an extremely interesting and helpful resource which is a real addition to the literature on the subject’ (General Educator, 1996). Communication Studies became a set text in many British and North American universities. 

