
Sound, Sight, Space and Play Postgraduate Conference 2013

SSSP logo“Sound, Sight, Space and Play 2013” was an international student postgraduate conference hosted at the Music, Technology and Innovation Research Centre of Æß²ÊÖ±²¥, Leicester. It was organised by students for students who are interested in electroacoustic music and sonic arts. The conference chairs were Louise Rossiter and David Holland.

Please find the proceedings of the conference (Rossiter and Holland, Eds.) available for download below in PDF format.

Selected Papers (PDF format)

Louise Rossiter and David Holland

Andrew Connor (University of Edinburgh)
Animation: How It Has Moved On From Being Goofy 

Cormac Gould (Liverpool Hope University)
Towards a Taxonomy of Electroacoustic Music: Dialectic Continuums as Compositional Tools 

David Holland (Æß²ÊÖ±²¥)
Listening to the inner soundscape: A pedagogical tool for opening minds to sound-based music

Daren Pickles (Coventry University)
Musical Notation, Electronic Technology and Cybernetics: A Pragmatic Perspective 

Constantin Popp (University of Manchester)
A Few Notes on Stem-based Composition: A Case Study

Louise Rossiter (Æß²ÊÖ±²¥)
The Role and Definition of Expectation in Acousmatic Music... Some Starting Points... 

Bogdan Vera (Queen Mary University of London)
netMUSE: Networked Multi-user Sonic Environment