
Engineering Management MSc module details

Engineering Business Environment and Research Methods, which examines how engineering businesses can make a positive contribution to environmental, social, and economic sustainability, along with approaches to research to help you prepare for your final individual research project dissertation.

Resource Efficient Design & Manufacturing, which emphasises efficiency and sustainable low carbon approaches to manufacturing and design practices.

Digital Transformations, which covers the opportunities in transforming environmental aspects around us including businesses and, to demonstrate the great potential of Information Systems (IS) in digitalisation to support such a level of transformations.

Entrepreneurship and Strategic Decision Making, wherein students will gain in-depth perspectives on entrepreneurship and strategic decision-making as an activity to teach students how individuals solve problems and thus arrive at the decisions that make-or-break organizations and industries. 

Our technicians and academics will support you in your individual project–a substantial piece of work in your final semester that will link your technical specialism with core aspects of management.