
Audio Visual

There is significant demand for music and sound for film, TV, computer games, virtual and augemented reality, and web sites. The 21st century is also seeing the rise of new audiovisual artforms, which will provide unique new opportunities for musicians prepared to contribute to them. Æß²ÊÖ±²¥ Music Technology students have explored aesthetic and technical considerations surrounding the creation of original music and sound design for the moving image. Some students have learned image creation and manipulation techniques, engaging in musical treatment of image in digital video or in performance via VJ (video-jockey) tools, game engines or custom software.

JAMES WEST - Energy (2021)

Part of a large-scale year-three audiovisual project exploring themes of creative blocks, the dynamics of Leicester and the pressures of lockdown.

Collaborative Student Score for 'Nosferatu' (2021)

An excerpt (Act 2) of F W Murnau’s ‘Nosferatu’, with a score produced by first year music-technology composition and performance students between January and April 2021 as an online, collaborative project.


An interactive experience by Tsokova (game-engine based visuals) and MA Music, Technology and Innovation student Bettsworth (sound design). Bettsworth focused on using sound to evoke a sense of the uncanny and a feeling of unease.

DAVIDE BALDAZZI - Fl_u_e_xus (2019)

An audiovisual composition that explores the idea of flow/fluid with both sounds and visuals

LINDHORST AND SNAPE - Paranoia (2019)

Prize-winning surreal horror short with soundtrack by CMT student Conor Snape

MATHEW ROGERSON - Glitch Improvisation [Excerpt] (2018)

A live, glitch-based audiovisual performance using custom software made in Max/MSP/Jitter

DANNY KEIGHER [MENZEL] - W I F I [Excerpt] (2018)

Excerpt from a ‘visual plunder-phonics’ album by year-three student Daniel Keigher

Projections Performance [Excerpts] (2019)

Live group-performance scores for early twentieth-century silent films

SAGNIK BASU - Journey (2014)

A Third Year Final Portfolio Project creating a new score for a level of the video game ‘Journey’


3D animation and sound portray a sphere through a multitude of different generations before becoming ultimately itself